연마감 closing 이슈( AJAB,ASKB,ASKBN ) > Q&A FI 연구소

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답변완료 답변 1건의 답변이 등록 되었습니다. 회원검증 연마감 closing 이슈( AJAB,ASKB,ASKBN )

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile 이권우 쪽지보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 조회 1,287회 작성일 17-01-03 23:57


※ T-CODE 가 없는 업무 프로세스 관련 질의는 상황적 설명만 올려 주세요!^^

1. 에러 발생 T-CODE : AJAB / ASKB



2. SAP 에레 메세지 전체 Text :

 Transactions not completely periodically posted


Asset balance sheet values not completely posted

Message no. AU075


In company code 1300, which is to be closed, APC values have not been posted to Financial Accounting for all relevant depreciation areas.

Depreciation area 60, at least, is set up for periodic posting of APC values.

The year-end closing checks if documents were posted that have an entry date after the last run of the program for periodic posting of APC values. If such documents are found, the system issues this message.


  • Check which depreciation areas are supposed to post APC values periodically to Financial Accounting according to their Customizing definitions (indicator: "Post assets periodically in General Ledger")
    See the Define How Depreciation Areas Post to General Ledger IMG activity.
  • Start the program for posting APC values. In the Asset Accounting main menu, choose Periodic processing. Start this program in update mode, regardless of whether or not documents are displayed in test mode, or if a message appears stating that there are no documents to be posted.
    Start APC Posting Program

3. 상황적인 설명 :


연마감이슈로 잔액이월을 모두끝내고 2017년 오픈을 위해 2015년을 클로즈하는도중 

감가상각이 계획만 잡혀있고 실제로는 2016년 1월부터 전기된 자산이 있었습니다.

회계/재경팀의 합의하에 2015년 전기기간열고 AFAB로 계획잡힌 감가상각계획을 돌려서 포스팅시켰습니다.

그 이후 에러는 없어서 클로징하려는데 해당 메시지와함께 15년이 마감이 안됩니다.

Transactions not completely periodically posted

아직 남아있는 기간전기가 남아있는지, ASKB 에서 스탠다드로 돌렸는데 

이런 에러가 나오네요... 

Company code 1300, depreciation area 60, fiscal year 2016, account group R153

Account 'Accumulated dep. account unpl. deprec.' could not be found for area 60

Company code 1300, depreciation area 60, fiscal year 2016, account group R181

Account 'Accumulated dep. account unpl. deprec.' could not be found for area 60

Company code 1300, depreciation area 60, fiscal year 2016, account group R182

Account 'Accumulated dep. account unpl. deprec.' could not be found for area 60

Company code 1300, depreciation area 60, fiscal year 2016, account group R153

Account 'Accumulated dep. account unpl. deprec.' could not be found for area 60

Company code 1300, depreciation area 60, fiscal year 2016, account group R181

Account 'Accumulated dep. account unpl. deprec.' could not be found for area 60

Company code 1300, depreciation area 60, fiscal year 2016, account group R182

Account 'Accumulated dep. account unpl. deprec.' could not be found for area 60

Company code 1300, depreciation area 60, fiscal year 2016, account group R332

Account 'Capital. difference/Non-operatng expense' could not be found for area 60

* 키 포인트는 

Check which depreciation areas are supposed to post APC values periodically to Financial Accounting according to their Customizing definitions (indicator: "Post assets periodically in General Ledger")

See the Define How Depreciation Areas Post to General Ledger IMG activity.

Start the program for posting APC values. In the Asset Accounting main menu, choose Periodic processing. Start this program in update mode, regardless of whether or not documents are displayed in test mode, or if a message appears stating that there are no documents to be posted.

Start APC Posting Program

여기 같은데... 정확하게 어떻게 하는건지 모르겠네요 밑에 프로그램이  ASKB  인데.. 

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