정보공유 [Book] 알기 쉽게 정리한 SAP FI - 송종훈 저
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※ 제목 : [Book] 알기 쉽게 정리한 SAP FI (Financial Accounting) - 송종훈 저
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도서명 : 알기 쉽게 정리한 SAP FI (Financial Accounting)
출판사 : 한국이퍼브(전자책)
출판년도 : 2013년
구매처 : YES24 (타 인터넷 서점은 검색 실패)
烏飛梨落 (오비이락) + 走馬看山 (주마간산)
말나온김에 사서 파파팍 대충 내용 흙어 보고 평 올립니다.
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다만 초보자 입장에서 도움 되셨으면 하면서...
I. Organization and Master Data 9
1. Organizational Structures 9
2. General Ledger Accounts 23
3. Customer / Vendor Accounts 38
Ⅱ. Document 57
4. Document 57
5. Currency and Exchange Rates 67
6. Fiscal Year and Posting 75
7. Document Change and Reverse 82
8. Taxes 87
9. Cross-Comp. Transaction And Real-Time Integration 96
10. Clearing 101
11. Special G/L 115
12. Parking Documents 125
13. Bank Accounts 133
14. Payment Program Configuration 139
15. Running the Payment Program 147
Ⅲ. Period End Closing 167
16. Balance Confirmation 167
17. Foreign Currency Valuation 170
18. Value Adjustments 179
19. Regrouping 185
20. Closing 191
21. GR/IR Clearing 193
22. Accruals/Deferrals and Recurring 206
23. Financial Statement 210
24. Valuation and Substitution 217
Ⅳ. New G/L 232
25. New G/L 232
25-1. New G/L Overview 232
25-2. New G/L Definition 233
25-3. Multi-Ledger 233
25-4. Ledger 사용자 필드 추가 238
25-5. Document Splitting 240
25-6. Document Splitting Setting 242
25-7. CO-FI Real-Time Integration 250
Ⅴ. Asset Accounting 255
26. Asset Organization 255
27. Asset Master 266
28. Asset Transactions 272
29. Asset Depreciation Setting 293
30. Asset Depreciation Run 303
31. Asset Periodic Processing 308
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